Friday, March 27, 2009

A couple of notes -

A brief hiatus, but am back.  A quick evening round-up, more to come:

1.  My brackets are suffering.  For something like 10 years now, dad and I fill out the NCAA brackets and compare.  Winner gets a steak dinner.  Easy, simple, and let's be honest - I generally win.  But the first round Purdue win and the recent Duke loss - well - let's just say that Dad will have to come to China to get his steak.  And by steak in China, I probably mean something more like pork dumplings.      

2.  Andrew and I had a double date tonight with our local foot massage place and foot masseuses.  And by "local" I mean approximately a 45 second walk from our apartment, depending on how long the elevator takes.  And by foot masseuses, I mean two young guys in their mid-20's that found places on my feet I didn't know I had.   60 minutes includes shoulder and feet.  Just over $10 total.  For both of us.   

3.  It's a good thing we're living in China because I'm now craving Chinese food for every meal.  As in spicy Chinese food, which quite the change from the meat and potatoes of my youth.  I haven't done the research (yet), but Sichuan peppercorns have to be some sort of illegal-ish drug.  After learning in class last weekend, I made some mad hot Mapo Doufu at home this week and can't stop thinking about it...

1 comment:

  1. I am all over #2..even if they charge me double for my ginormous feet
